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How to Archive a Project?

< 1 min read

  1. From the Projects screen, long press a project you want to archive. Doing so selects the project and a checkbox appears at the right side displaying that the project has been selected.
  2. CR5 CQ3wXHjc  Vul1rLktMKLCoknbhItBCVFp5P8BVE9wdHYqLMdKE1GcrxLYXr570 SvQLYxd8ay07YF7HKgL9OlUTIsL51OY1E0MGR IRYwNdheIfP5CmjlvTVwxZ8jbH9EJaTMCwXUahLEK7
    1. Upon selection, tap the Archive Project button displayed at the top-right corner of the screen.
    CR5 CQ3wXHjc  Vul1rLktMKLCoknbhItBCVFp5P8BVE9wdHYqLMdKE1GcrxLYXr570 SvQLYxd8ay07YF7HKgL9OlUTIsL51OY1E0MGR IRYwNdheIfP5CmjlvTVwxZ8jbH9EJaTMCwXUahLEK7

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