How to Download and Install Droplet Lab App for android

Unlike iOS, the Droplet Lab mobile app is currently not available on the Play Store. Therefore, you need to download the .apk file in order to install the app on your Android phone. Let us take a look at how it is done.

  1. Use the URL to land on the download link.
  2. From here, choose the app you want to download.
  1. As you tap the required type, a popup is displayed asking for login credentials.
  2. Here, enter the provided username in the Username field.
  3. Enter the corresponding password in the Password field.
  4. Once the credentials are entered, tap the Sign In button. This initiates the download and displays a warning popup asking for download confirmation.
  1. From this popup, tap the Download anyway button.
  1. As the download completes, a security popup is displayed by Chrome that your phone is not currently allowed to install unknown apps. From this popup, tap Settings. This opens the Install unknown apps screen.
  2. Here, enable the Chrome toggle. This displays a popup for app installation confirmation.
  1. To start installation, tap the Install button. As the app is installed, the app icon is displayed on your Android phone screen.

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